Park Brow Primary School
Broad Lane,
L32 6QH

Tel: 0151 477 8540
Fax: 0151 477 8541

Headteacher: Miss Swinburn

Acting Deputy Headteacher – Miss Connell 

Chair of Governors: Anna Truesdale

Specific Enquiries or Concerns:

Additional Needs: Miss Swinburn
Safeguarding Lead: Miss Burke

Early Help Lead: Miss Casey 

SEMH/Behaviour Lead – Mrs Forsyth 

Attendance: Mrs Forshaw
Early Years Lead : Ms Collins
Business Manager: Ms Owens
Breakfast Club: Mr Beckwith
Sport and Activities: Mrs McLoughlin
Family Engagement: Mrs Ballinger

Site Manager: Mr Wilson

If you require paper copies of the information on our website please contact the school office.