Year 1

Welcome to Year 1.  Our lessons will start promptly every morning with phonics so it is really important that your child is on time for school every day.  Your child will have a phonics test at the end of Year 1 and we will give you more information about this.. Please ensure all of your child’s uniform & lunchboxes are clearly labelled with their name and they have a bottle of fresh water everyday.


During literacy lessons we will be completing various activities relating to different books through speaking & listening, role play, writing, drawing, predictions and discovering facts through non-fiction texts. Please support your child in discovering together about different books we are reading.


Our main focus n maths will be different aspects of number. Your child will be working on counting forwards & backwards within the range 1-100, working on number bonds to 10, addition & subtraction and finding one more & one less than a given number. We will also use all of these skills in reasoning and problem solving.


Throughout year 1 we will be looking at topics such as seasons and weather, animals and humans, materials and plants. Children will learn through continuous provision activities and through completing work in their science books. You can encourage your child to learn more about these topics at home through internet searches and by reading non-fiction books together.


Reading is a really important aspect of your child’s learning and they need to be fluent at this before they can access other areas of the curriculum, so please read with your child every night. The more practice the more fluent they will become. When you have read with them please sign their reading record. We check their reading record every day and use a traffic light system to record if they have read or not. Each child who has read is given a sticker on their reading challenge card which will eventually lead to bronze, silver or gold reading certificate. When reading with your child please discuss the book in order to ensure they understand it. Your child’s book will be changed when they can demonstrate fluency and understanding, they are also encouraged to re-read a book for enjoyment. Please see attached information about reading with your child.